7 Benefits Of Chocolate For Body Health

Chocolate is a processed food and beverage derived from cocoa beans (Theobroma Cacao) containing flavanols. No wonder if many people love chocolate because it tastes good and sweet makes many people love chocolate.

We all also know a variety of processed chocolate products. In the form of processed food products or beverages. For example, chocolate cake, brown bread, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate candy, and chocolate bars. While chocolate drinks like hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream, and other drinks that taste brown. In addition to processed as food and drinks, chocolate can also be used as decoration.

In this modern era chocolate is often given as a gift or gift on certain days. Because of its uniqueness, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy, attention and even a statement of love. Now chocolate has also become one of the most popular flavors in the world.

Well, for you chocolate fans you need to know some of the benefits of chocolate for health and body so you do not see the negative side of chocolate that can make fat or get diabetes. Here's the information.

 Benefits of Chocolate

Contains Antioxidants
Cocoa containing flavanols, flavanoids that are in chocolate. This compound has a role as a useful antioxidant to ward off free radicals in the body.

Overcoming stress
Chocolate is a food that can relieve stress. Research from the University of California, Sandiego, revealed that if people who claim to stress eating chocolate when they are in a bad mood, making chocolate eaters feel comfortable.

Anti-Depression Medication
For women, chocolate is also best consumed during premenstruation. Magnesium content that can reduce the risk of this syndrome is believed to be related to menstruation, such as abdominal cramps. Chocolate content such as caffeine, theobromine, methyl-xanthine and phenylethylalanine is believed to improve mood, reduce fatigue so it can be used as an anti-depressant.

Can Lower Blood Pressure And Cholesterol
Dark chocolate (dark chocolate) proved beneficial to falling human blood pressure. And eating dark chocolate regularly proven to lower LDL cholesterol by 10 percent.

Increase Passion (Libido)
Aphrodisiac chocolate has the benefit of increasing one's libido. According to research, women lovers of chocolate have a higher sexual desire than women who do not eat chocolate. They reveal, eating chocolate before sex can give you a sense of relaxation and satisfaction in sexual activity.

Inhibits Premature Aging
Chocolate contains beneficial substances that slow down premature aging (anti-aging). Consumption of chocolate on a regular basis can reduce wrinkles and protect the skin from sunburn.

A Dutch study of 200 men over the age of 20 found that those who ate a lot of chocolate, lived longer with a lower risk of disease than men who ate little or none at all. Jeanne Louise Calment is a 122 year old man with a simple long life prescription. That is. He consumed 2.5 kilograms of dark chocolate in a week.

Well, now you already know about 7 Benefits of Chocolate for Body Health? you can eat delicious chocolate because it already knows the benefits. But, not too much too yes. May be useful.

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