Powerful Tips to Eliminate Hair Mites

Powerful Tips to Eliminate Hair Mites - Head lice are small winged insects (insects) that can stick bites on the scalp. Fleas are parasites, which means they eat a little of your blood. Flea bites can cause constant scratches and cause skin irritation or even infection. In this article we will give you a way to get rid of stubborn head lice. What causes head lice?

Anyone can get head lice, but more common in school-aged children. Head lice spread more easily between children aged 3 years to 12 years because they share their items more often than adults and play together.
It is not true people get lice because they are dirty. Head lice are highly contagious. No matter how many times you or your child is showering or washing her hair, it is still possible to get head lice from direct contact with someone who is infested with fleas. You can also get head lice if you share a hat, towel, pillow, comb, or brush with someone who has a hair louse.

How to diagnose head lice? In most cases, you should be able to diagnose head lice on your own. Finding young (young) nymphs or adult lice on the scalp or hair is enough for a positive head louse diagnosis.

If you only find nits (eggs) attached to the hair, chances are still strong enough that there is a lice infestation. However, if the nits are positioned more than ¼ inch from the base of the hair shaft, chances are they are dead and will not hatch. If you see nits and no live insects, you no longer have active head lice.

If you can not find lice but still have symptoms, you can see a doctor for more help and diagnosis.

Treatment of head lice
Head lice can be treated with products that are in pharmacies or prescriptions from doctors. Shampoos and lotions containing pyrethrin (one brand name: Rid) or permethrin (brand name: Nix) are commonly used to remove head lice. Shampoos and lotions that kill head lice contain pesticides and other chemicals. It is important to talk to your doctor before using this product, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have allergies or asthma. It is also not safe to use products with pesticides at or near your eyes. If you find head lice or nits in eyelashes or eyebrows, talk to your doctor.

If shampoo products are not effective, your doctor can prescribe creams, lotions, or shampoo to treat your head lice. Certain prescription products are also safer for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Products that kill head lice do not usually kill all nits. To reduce the risk of other flea infestations, select the remaining ticks and hand-picked or by using a special comb (one brand name: LiceMeister comb) to remove it. Comb along the hair, one part at a time, every 3 days or more often. Do this for at least 2 weeks or until you stop seeing ticks.

You should also use hot water to wash the sheets, towels, and clothes recently worn by people who have lice hair. Vacuum everything that can not be washed, like a sofa, carpet, your child's seat, and stuffed animals. Since head lice do not stay long away from the scalp, you do not need to use flea spray on these items.

Head lice can not jump or fly. Only direct contact with an infected person or a contaminated item can spread lice. Encourage young children and school-age children to take the precautions listed above to avoid future head lice.

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